澳洲的⾦融机构包括商业银⾏、保险公司、非银⾏⾦融机构和退休⾦计划等组成。澳⼤利亚的银⾏业以“四⼤银⾏”为主,英联邦银⾏COMMONWEAL BANK、⻄太平洋银⾏WESTPAC BANK、澳⼤利亚和新⻄兰银⾏集团ANZ BANK、澳⼤利亚国家银⾏NAB等四⼤银⾏事澳⼤利亚⾦融体系的⽀柱。此外有⼏家⼩型银⾏在澳洲全国各地都有业务,还有⼤量其他⾦融机构,如信⽤社等。
The Australian financial system consists of the capital market and the money market. Financial institutions in Australia include authorised deposit-taking institutions (ADIs), non-bank financial institutions (NBFIs), insurance (life and general insurance), pensions, and individual investors.
The capital market in Australia includes markets for bonds, stocks, derivatives, investors, and financial intermediaries. The money market mainly consists of payment system products, including cash, checks, large deposits, and bank and commercial bills.
Participants in the financial system include commercial banks, investment banks, finance companies, building societies or cooperatives, credit unions, friendly societies, non-bank financial institutions (NBFIs), retirement and approved deposit funds, public unit trusts, cash management trusts, mortgage originators, insurance companies, institutional fund investors, and debt financiers.
Financial institutions in Australia encompass commercial banks, insurance companies, non-bank financial institutions, and retirement plans. The Australian banking industry is dominated by the "big four" banks: Commonwealth Bank, Westpac Bank, ANZ Bank, and NAB, which form the pillars of the Australian financial system. Additionally, several smaller banks operate across Australia, alongside numerous other financial institutions such as credit unions.
The Australian insurance market is divided into three segments: life insurance, general insurance, and health insurance. Most large insurers specialise in one type of insurance, though some provide broader financial services including life, general, and health insurance.
Australia mandates a compulsory retirement savings plan supported and encouraged by the government. Companies in Australia must contribute a set percentage of employees' wages to retirement savings. Retirement funds in Australia are primarily managed by banks and insurance companies, with many middle-class and higher earners opting for self-managed funds. Retirement funds in Australia are subject to stringent regulation.
Australia's financial system is primarily regulated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) and the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA).
ASIC oversees market integrity and consumer protection, regulating financial institutions such as investment banks and non-bank financial institutions (NBFIs). Generally, ASIC mandates that entities providing financial services in Australia must hold an Australian Financial Services License issued by ASIC or qualify under licensing exemptions.
APRA is responsible for the licensing and prudential supervision of authorized deposit-taking institutions (ADIs),
including banks, building societies, credit unions, friendly societies, and certain credit card issuers, as well as life and
general insurance companies, and retirement funds. APRA has issued guidelines for capital adequacy ratios for banks in line with the Basel II framework. All financial institutions regulated by APRA are required to report to APRA regularly.
Certain financial intermediaries, such as investment banks (operating without ADI status), are not subject to prudential
supervision by APRA under the Banking Act. Most investment banks are registered under the Financial Sector
(Collection of Data) Act 2001, which requires registered financial companies to provide statistical information to APRA.
The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) is Australia's central bank, responsible for most payment systems and monetary policy formulation. Its primary responsibilities include formulating monetary policy to maintain stable low inflation rates,ensuring financial system stability, promoting the safety and efficiency of the payment system, managing Australia's foreign exchange reserves, and issuing currency.
The highest governing body of the RBA is the Reserve Bank Board, which consists of nine members. The board meets
on the first Tuesday of each month (except January) to discuss and decide on whether to raise or lower interest rates based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) situation.